This list will expand according to the feedback we receive from you as contributors. We will invite to reading groups, informal discussions and social events tailored to specific topics, set in an atmosphere that fits the mood. The aim is to think openly together and see where we depart collectively from these starting points. We will appreciate hearing about ideas you want to dig into.
To start it off, we would like to explain why we chose the somewhat cheeky name “RADIKALT UTOPISK NETTVERK/RADICAL UTOPIAN NETWORK” for this project. We think of it as a conversation starter, that may change during the course of the project. As a starting point, we would like to imagine the collective initiatives that were flourishing before neo-capitalism and individualism took such a hold of our communities.
- RESONANCE – A mode of relating to the world where individuals experience a deep, reciprocal, and affective connection with people, objects, ideas, or nature, as opposed to the alienation caused by modern acceleration (Hartmut Rosa)
- LIQUID MODERNITY – A concept by Zygmunt Bauman, describes a social condition in which rapid change, uncertainty, and flexible identities replace stable structures, making life fluid, precarious, and constantly shifting
- ANTI-CAPITALISM – It said that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. Why?
- DEMOCRACY – Who takes part in the idea of ‘democracy’? We believe that well functioning democracies consist of active participants, a pluralist and engaged society continuously developing, fueled by different and opposing ideas, opinions, and desires.
- INDIVIDUAL VS COLLECTIVE – We are interested in the complex relationship between the individual and the collective
- UTOPIA is defined as a non-place or impossible place. Why do we strive towards it? Is it a human trait to always long for what comes next?
- 21ST CENTURY SKILLS – Which new skills should we focus on developing?